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Showing posts with the label Posters

Download Begum Sans Fonts Family From Indian Type Foundry

Download Now Server 1 Download Now Server 3 Download Now Server 2 Begum Sans is a high-contrast design. Its letterforms feature horizontal strokes that flair outwards and look a bit like wedges; this is particularly prominent in the typeface’s capital letters. The feature has a long tradition in lettering, which even predates typography: similar wedge-shaped horizontal strokes were prominent features on Florentine inscriptional lettering during the Renaissance. Even though Begum Sans is a display face, its use isn’t limited to headlines. The typeface’s proportions offer possibilities for many kinds of shorter-length texts, i.e., call-outs, packaging design and the multi-line article introductions that are common in print and on screen. Pair Begum Sans with its matching display serif face Begum. Both Begum and Begum Sans were designed in India by Manushi Parikh....

Download Hedra Fonts Family From Indian Type Foundry

Download Now Server 1 Download Now Server 2 Download Now Server 3 Hedra is an experimental sans with monolinear strokes mixing two typographic strands. On the one hand, the letterforms are very geometric: ‘O’ and ‘o’ are nearly perfect circles with just a small bit of optical correction to make them more readable. Together with the common ‘diagonal nature’ applied to some letter parts, Hedra feels quite technical and text set in it even almost looks futuristic. On the other hand, the letterforms incorporate some art nouveau qualities: the diagonals inside the ‘A’, ’B’ and ‘E’ are more historic than technical, while the ‘K’, ‘V’, and ‘W’ all have some unconventional rounded elements that seem like call-backs to the beginning of the twentieth century. Via an OpenType feature, users can make text look more technical and less historical if desired: Stylistic Set 1 replaces the curved-diagonal ‘K’, ‘X’, ‘Y’, ‘k’, and ‘x’ with straight-diagonal alternates. Download Hedra Fonts Family Fro...

Download Folito Font Family From Indian Type Foundry

Download Now Server 1 Download Now Server 2 Download Now Server 3 Folito is a modernist sans serif typeface. Its design combines typically grotesk-style letterforms, with some characters that are quite geometrically-designed. In terms of its appearance, Folito was inspired by Modernism and Industrial-Era graphic and typographic design. The family has five weights on offer, ranging from Light to Black. It is an excellent choice for use in branding, editorial, and poster design. Folito’s lowercase ‘a’ and ‘g’ are double-storied; however, single-storied alternates are available, through an OpenType feature. The fonts’ other OpenType features include 10 ligatures per font, as well as alternate versions of the ‘G’ and ’t’. The default numeral style in each of the fonts is proportional lining figures; three other styles of numbers are included, too. There are tabular lining figures...